Key to Abbreviations
S.Standards, the smaller upper petals
F.Falls, the larger lower petals
3F= 3 falls, or single
6F= 6 falls, or double
tet.Tetraploid, usually vigorous with large flowers
E-M-LEarly season, mid-season, or late season bloom
rregistered or reported to be a repeat bloomer
HMHonorable Mention--received recognition as a high-quality introduced garden variety in the year noted
MAMorgan Award--the top award received by Siberian Irises from 1952 through 1984, awarded to one at most per year
PAPayne Award--the top award received by Japanese Irises from 1966 through 1992, awarded to one at most per year
AMAward of Merit--awarded to a few varieties of outstanding and proven garden value, succeeding and replacing in level the above awards
MWMorgan-Wood Medal--the top award received by Siberian Irises from 1986 to the present, awarded to one per year
PMPayne Medal--the top award received by Japanese Irises, beginning in 1993, awarded to one per year, except in cases of ties